Friday, February 29, 2008


It's hard to believe that it was just one year ago this week that we drove into town and where greeted by this sign out on the main road. It was a whirlwind of a weekend that turned into a job offer for Scott as Dallas Alliance's new Youth Pastor. It was the start of yet another adventure for our family.

An overview of our year:

Relief from a very stormy, stressful and burdensome season of our lives. The sale of our home. A very difficult so-long to friends, fellowship and family in Washington. Praises to our Faithful God for leading us to where he would have us be. Being embraced by a new church family and slowly but surely making friends and discovering ways to minister and witness in our new community. Wonderful neighborhood with even more wonderful neighbors. Having a 12th Anniversary get-a-way! Living close to Aunty and having family and close friends to visit. Both sets of folks for Christmas at our house. Kindergarten, Horse back-riding ,bike riding, roller blading, walks to the creek with the kids and the dogs.Trips to the beach and the mountains. Mercy on Scott's back surgery and a diagnosis of my pain. Fun with Photography, workshops and new clients. A 6 year old learning to read, A 2 year old coming into his own! A loving bunny and a peace fish. Many teens to love, pray for and do our best to encourage in faith and in life.

Youth Building

Scott, You have done an amazing job this past year... Thank you for balancing work and family as well as you do, we both know that it can be difficult because ministry never ends. Keep up the Good (God) work and may Jesus strengthen and guide you as you serve. We love you and are so very proud of you!

Thursday, February 28, 2008


An expectant friend was gracious enough to let me photograph her "Beautiful Belly full of Baby!" Rita, you look amazing! Congratulation's on Baby Zack's arrival, He is Precious!

Big Brother and Sister

are so excited to meet their new Baby Brother!

Can't you just feel the love?

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Sunday, February 24, 2008


If you need to add some color to your dreaming, get Adobe will bring your dreams to life! I took these pictures a few days ago as I drove to a near by town to see a friends new born baby. The sky was beautiful and full of billowing clouds. I love the dramatic effect of the barn and tree's against the heavens.

My favorite quote from the book Blue Highways by William Least Heat Moon:

On the old highway maps of America, the main routes were red and the back roads blue. Now even the colors are changing. But in those brevities just before dawn and a little after dusk—times neither day nor night—the old roads return to the sky some of its color. Then, in truth, they carry a mysterious cast of blue, and it's that time when the pull of the blue highway is strongest, when the open road is a beckoning, a strangeness, a place where a man can lose himself.


Same photograph, different effects....It's pretty fun goofing around with Photo-Shop!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


My daughters school ran a fundraiser. It was an all you can eat spaghetti feed and silent auction. In support of my Kindergartner, I donated my talents. I look forward to meeting whom ever won the bidding! Thank you for supporting Whitworth Elementary!Be sure to give me a ring so we can schedule your photo shoot!


Can you believe this is a grandma?

Sometimes I can't help but squeeze my clients!


My daughters school ran a fundraiser. It was an all you can eat spaghetti feed and silent auction. In support of my Kindergartner, I donated my talents. I look forward to meeting whom ever won the bidding! Thank you for supporting Whitworth Elementary!Be sure to give me a ring so we can schedule your photo shoot!

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Oh where , oh where has my little baby gone? He's moved on from rocking horses and passies for sure... now at 2 onto faster modes of transportation these days. Much louder, much bigger and quicker in every single way. You are precious my little one!

MOPS...Because Mothering Matters!

As a brand new mom in 2001, I attended my first MOPS group. MOPS? What is that? Mothers of Pre-Schoolers, you know the ones... the moms who look a little dazed and confused half the time and once they find an adult to speak with they tend to be either too exhausted to speak or all they can talk about is how worn out they are. Let's face it, kids are great, but exhausting! I found so much encouragement and growth as a mom and a follower of Christ through MOPS. These are some photo's of the wonderful women I served with over the years. We laughed, we cried, we shared good times and bad and I am a better person for it all. If you are a new mom and needing some girl time...MOPS is a wonderful safe place to be! For more info about MOPS go to



I have never felt so Tall and so PRAGNANT!

My Mentor Mom!
Love you Kani!


Can anyone else relate to this scene?
Cars, Cars and more Cars!!!Luke is obsessed with McQueen and The King and Sally and Mater and Wingo and Boost and of course Red too! Oh and MAC, how could I forget MAC!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Makayla has been riding horses since she was a baby. It is a blessing for a little girl to be born into a family of horse crazy people. The first photo is of Makayla at Grandma and Grandpa's farm when she was 5 months old. She has been a natural from the very start. Thanks to many afternoons with grandma, grandpa or Aunty giving safety instruction and lessons, my little girl can sure ride.

Monday, February 18, 2008


My husband is so good to me. He designed this new business card for me and I absolutely love the looks of it! Scott, thank you for supporting me every step of the way! You are my true companion and best friend! I love you and appriciate you, so very much!
Thank you...