Saturday, August 15, 2009

For the love of ROSES....

In a rose I see the joy of the Redeemed, the glory of the LORD, the splendor of our God.

I have always loved roses.... perhaps it's because of their color, or maybe it's their gentleness that has always appealed to me. We roamed a rose garden a few days ago and enjoyed taking in the many colors, sizes and fragrances. These are just a few photographs along the paths we wandered.

"Through him all things were made; apart from Him nothing came into being." John 1:3

A single rose reminds me of so much... Visiting grandma's, the first corsage given before a school dance and our wedding day. Roses arrived to the hospital room with the birth of both our children and have continued on birthdays, anniversaries and "just because."
" Your mother was like a vine in your vineyard planted by the water; it was fruitful and full of branches because of abundant water." Ezekiel 19:10

Roses remind me that I am blessed...that I am in process... budding, blooming and will one day fade away back to the earth and into the hands of my creator.
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5"

Just as a rose, I want to be beautiful yet strong, gentle yet bold, delicate yet vibrant...The strength, health and beauty of a rose is dependant upon the nurturing it receives. A rose matures from the inside out... from the soil it is planted, to the very nourishment it receives, from the vine to the branches, amongst the thorns and despite scorching sun, torrential rains and the many storms of life....(against all odds) something lovely eventually emerges.
Like the rose I want to be determined, to grow, to mature, to push onward and upward. As a rose my very being would bring Glory to God, our creator, our counselor, the maker of heaven and earth.

It had been planted in good soil by abundant water so that it would produce branches, bear fruit and become a splendid vine." Ezekiel 17:8

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener." John 15:1

Oh how I seek to be nourished by the gardener. True nourishment.... it is in God himself, in his presence, in fellowship and feasting on his word, delighting in who He is, in honoring Him in sencere worship. It is making choices to guard my heart and mind, everyday, in every way so that Gods Goodness and Beauty will spring forth.
"The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy." Isaiah 35:1-2

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day with my...Golden Boy!

Amidst the summer travel, my "Golden Boy" and I, made time to go to the lake together. This is the lake I was baptized in over 20 years it was an extra special outing.

He let this mamma kick back and relax while he did most the rowing.

I love the determination on his face.
It always amazes me how much God can speak to us through our children.

On this day.... through these images, I heard.... loud and clear!
"Press on...never give up, be determined and learn something new."

My Golden Boy

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Silly Girls

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Banjo and Hobo

Do you remember these two cutie's from a few weeks back?
The kitten's found abandon, that made their way into our home and our hearts.

Just look at them now....

These two brothers are 3 months old now and are causing all kinds of hilarious and mischievous chaos.

Official names where finally decided upon after much deliberation...


Saturday, August 1, 2009

New fishing pole from a friend...

I just can't resist sharing this pics of the kids fishing in the Puget Sound. It just so happened that the ferry boat we wanted to catch was running an hour late and gave the kids a perfect opportunity to try out their new fishing pole given to them by a very sweet 6 year old boy just hours before. Amy-your little guy is such a sweetie, what a nice gift.

Luke was so proud to catch some seaweed!