Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Our Furry Friends...

Here's Hobo at 5 months old... He's our blue eyed regal prince!

Then there's Josie (14) and Jake (11)...these two are like peas and carrots... Just look at those smug mugs stiffin around for some grub.

Last but not least....Banjo!
Let's just say he's not so regal like his brother!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Oregon State Fair

Good Fun

Good Friends

Aah yes.... and Good Food!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Meanest mom ever....

Oregon State Fair....

Some rides are good.....

some not so good!

Okay so most moms would have tried to stop the roller coaster.

I on the other hand...could not stop laughing!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Update on my Dad

It's been a long time since I've given an update on my dad. Many of you have inquired, so I guess it's time I do. I just needed to take a break from it all, but in the mean time I left allot of you wondering what has happened since my last posting in June.

It turns out that my dad was accepted at Cherry Hill Rehab Center. His stay there was intense and much more brief than we had hoped for. Dad was in the rehab facility for about 2 weeks when they where ready to release him. This felt far to soon and my dad bagged for another week and they obliged. So after 3 weeks of rigorous therapy, dad was released to the full time care of my mom on July 20th. It was back to the islands to sleep in his own bed after 7 months being bounced from this, that and the other hospital, rehab, ICU accommodations. The true understanding of "There is no place like HOME" is heartfelt.

Infection is now under control and the surgery site is completely healed. Learning how to get about in the world is a daily battle and learning process. With the help of visiting nurses, physical therapist and a loving wife at his side, he is making gains daily. It is a slow and at times weary process. Healing and maintaining a positive outlook is priority. I am thankful that my mom and dad both have a resilient spirit. When the going gets tough it can be down right horrible, but we push on and strive for Gods best in any and all circumstances.

In the mean time..the barn has been repaired from all the fire damage and the horses will soon be gaining their winter coats as the cool Autumn air quickly approaches. We are hopeful that 2010 will be a much better year. This has been a tough ride!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Soaking in Summer

It's been a while since I've posted anything...I've spent these last few weeks of summer enjoying life and soaking up summers last bursts of sunshine and beauty! There's been lazy days spent at the river, camping, gardening, fun photo shoots and friends visiting from out of town. Now suddenly a chill is in the early morning air and September is here. School is about to begin and new routines will be underway. There are so many decisions to be made and priorities to be evaluated.

I have had a few weeks at home to process all the back and forth travel from Washington to Oregon that has occurred since January. Lets just say this has not been a typical year. It's been a time of crisis in which God in His Sovereignty has brought much growth, humility and strength into my heart and life. He has been my rock, my guide, my counselor and my closest friend. When everything in life is upside down and inside out, He alone was and is my strong foundation. He has taught me about letting go, about trusting him even if and when the worst happens. He has revealed hidden places that scream out for healing, restoration and growth. My need for God, for His love, forgiveness, protection, covering, strength, truth, wisdom, guidance and holiness has been my hearts desire more than ever before.

It's amazing how God has a plan...a plan in things great and small. From a seed bearing fruit to heartache bringing Glory to His name. I praise the Lord for walking with my family through the challenges, uncertainties and pain of this past year. I thank God for the support, friendship and prayers of others. There have been moments in these past months that I had the thoughts of "What's the Point!" What's the Point of Anything? of Life? of Living?of Loving? It's just too hard, too painful, too scary....It's at moments like these that God is so gracious and good...He is amazing and can speak to us in any way He chooses and often when we least expect it....Just look at this reminder He passed my way, right when I needed it.

How Cool is this! It's not every day I find a cross on my kitchen floor!

You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.
Psalm 18:28

God in His Mercy reminds me that I was made to Love Him and to be Loved by Him....It's really as simple as that!