Friday, February 26, 2010

Storytelling with DETAILS

February's Photo assignment:

It's time for another monthly photo assignments given by MeRa Koh. This months assignment was allot of fun, because I absolutely love DETAILS! I was to pick two different people. One would be young , the other old. The goal of this assignment was to walk into doing a photo shoot, aiming to capture several types of photos. One type is DETAILS. Before walking out, it would be my aim to know that I had captured the story of their life! It's in the DETAILS where a person's story is told. The different age groups will serve as a great platform for comparisons and contrast as I ask myself and my young and older subjects a series of questions along the way.

Part One: Here's my Young Luke!

Luke's Details: Here are his feet along side his big sisters; His new wooden truck that he got for valentines day; a well loved bear that's always near by; his beloved blue blanket upon which his treasured b-b collection is displayed; and the Lightning Cars pillow on which he dreams. This is the Story of Luke through images!

I thought there would be no need to interview my 4 year old boy as to his likes and dislikes. I'm his mamma, I know what he likes? Right...well I decided to go ahead and let him in on what I was trying to do. I explained that I wanted to take pictures that told the story of "Luke", about who he is, about what he loves. He was so excited and before I knew it he was literally pulling all his favorite things into a big pile. Let's just say it got messy real fast and mamma helped him narrow it down. It was a joy to discover the things in his life that he truly loves and appreciates.


Part Two: My Older Neighbor Dorothy!

I must admit that it was far easier to approach my son with this creative endeavor of capturing details. I know him, I live with him, he is familiar to me. The second part of this assignment (capturing details of someone older) seamed far more daunting. I do not live near my parents, nor are any of my grandparents still living. I could have taken pictures of my husband, but truth be told he is younger than I. I was dragging my feet and the introvert in me had yet to be bold enough to ask someone. So in the mean time my darling 8 year old daughter was out playing in our neighborhood. Makayla comes in and says, " Hey mom - Dorothy, wants you to come over and have coffee with her tomorrow! Oh and I told her you where free, cause both Luke and I are at school!" Gotta love a daughter who takes it upon herself to set up her mothers social calender! Makayla knew nothing of the project I was working on, mind you.

Makayla and Dorothy have had the the sweetest relationship ever since Dorthy moved into our neighborhood about a year ago. The two of them just clicked. Makayla has gone to visit Dorothy on numerous occasions and often brings her little brother, Luke in tow. Every time she comes home after a visit she would say, "Mommy, I think Dorothy is lonely." Ugh- Pulling at my heart strings, I have waved, smiled, had short conversations of small talk at the mail box and have prayed for Dorothy. Well-Absolutely nothing can compare to spending time with someone face to face and eye to eye over a cup of coffee! I arrived at Dorothy's about 8:45 am and stayed till almost 11:00. In the back of my mind I thought maybe, just maybe, Dorothy would be up for me taking some detail pictures of her life, so I popped my camera in my purse. Let's just say she was more than gracious.

Before I had even mentioned my little photography project, Dorothy was busy telling me all about herself, her life, her travels and her late husband whom she dearly missed. She gave me a tour of her home and showed me all kinds of amazing pieces of art that she has collected over the years. I was floored at how much of herself she was offering...she was without a doubt sharing the details of her life with me. Ahhh- What a perfect sag-way... This was exactly what my assignment was about! Dorothy was gracious to let me tell a slice of her story through image. It was eye opening to see that it's sometimes in the every day things that often hold the most significance in our lives.

Dorothy's Details: An Indian beaded pen was one of many treasured art pieces she has. Her husband was Indian and they had spent much of their 48 years of marriage working on reservations, before he died just a year and a half ago. We sat at her dinning room table with coffee in hand, a bowl of treats and sugar near by. We visited and got to know one another. The pink and white quilt is an Indian Star quilt made from a friend on one of the reservations. The picture behind Dorothy is one of her many Bev Doo Little prints that add such warmth and intrigue to her home. She shared albums of when she was young and without a doubt I could see the loneliness in her stunning blue eyes.

I am already looking forward to my next coffee date with sweet Dorothy!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Week 2: Through the Lens of Worship

I went for a walk with my precious four your old son today. We were both so excited to get outside and feel the warmth of the sunshine on our faces. My son's main goal was to hunt for ladybugs...These shiny red and black polcka-dotted critters are his absolute favorite thing in all creation right now.
I was looking forward to bug hunting too, but also thought it would be a perfect opportunity to bring my camera and see what God might reveal to my little man and me.
I decided to make this my second entry for Through the Lens of Worship .
As we walked together, we noticed all the new buds on trees and shrubs. We began looking for all sorts of shapes and colors too. It was so much fun to watch Luke, seek with such enthusiasm for all the little treasures that nature has to offer. The tiniest blue flower popping up amongst the grass was his first a delightful find.

Then it was on to a pretty purple flower that had a little critter buzzing around inside! Luke had so many questions about this little bee. We sat for quite some time and watched this little fella as he flew from flower to flower so heavy with pollen that he practically crash landed as he darted from pedal to pedal.

The scripture that came to mind as we enjoyed God's Creation: "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."
Romans 1:20
The Lord Blessed Luke with the swift capture of over 20 ladybugs!
Each one was placed gently into his yellow lidded bug cage and are now safely placed on his bedside table for the night.
As our adventure came to a close Luke was joyfully singing a song he had learned at preschool earlier in the day. With no prompting from me, I heard his little voice singing, "Our God is an Awesome God, He reigns over Heaven and Earth...Our God is an Awesome God!"
I agree Son...I Agree!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

First Crush...

There's just nothing sweeter!

A few weeks ago, after picking Luke up at preschool, he said -"Mama- I like Rachel, YUP- I like Rachel a lot...I'm gonna ask her to marry me!"
Well today was the big day!
Luke arrived to school with a bag full of valentines and something extra special just for Rachel. Makayla helped him pick out just the perfect RING! Just look at the size of that stone.
Yes....It's been a big week for the Totten Kid's!
Luke Purposed and Makayla was Purposed too!
Not sure if Rachel said "Yes", but I know for certain Makayla said "NO"! Good Girl!
Love is most definitely in the air around here...well at least for our little guy!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

For: Through the Lens of Worship

In my endeavored to mature in my walk with the Lord and grow in my passion of photography. I am thrilled to have come across a blog called Through the Lens of Worship. I am excited to participate in this form of "Creative Worship" twice a month. The concept of this exercises is ultimately to spend time seeking God with camera in hand. Worship is the activity. Glorifying God is the goal.

After spending time with God and taking photographs along the way, I will then post the images and take time reflecting and sharing about what the Lord spoke to my heart. It may be a scripture, a word of encouragement, vision or song. I look forward to seeking after the Lord through the lens of a camera and capturing maybe just a tiny hint of His Glory. May these images and words bless Gods heart and yours.

A Time for Everything

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace."

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Digging Deeper

I am following along with a photography assignment. It is a Self Portrait that is two fold and is an exercise in "Doing the Deeper Work". An image is only skin deep, right? Or is it? I am excited to travel this road of discovery and share what I learn along the way. I have been incredibly blessed to learn from photographers MeRa Koh and her husband Brian for many years now. Me Ra and Brain are incredibly gifted in their trade and they have always lovingly shared their knowledge and wisdom with others. It has been a pure joy and blessing to watch their talents, family and business flourish over the years. They have now offered an amazing opportunity for many women to grow and develop in their craft and talents in infinite ways. If you care to read more about this amazing journey go to the SOAR! site .

At the start of the new year, three beautiful women where chosen as Soar!scholarship recipients. Countless others, including me can follow along on the journey as well. I have committed to jumping out of my little nest and into the wild blue yonder of trial and error and artistic endeavors. I look forward to challenging myself in new ways and flaming my passion for photography with fresh eye's.

Directions to Photography Exercise #1 :
“Doing the Deeper Work”.

You will take TWO Self Portraits. One image will have you in the photo. The second one will be an object that symbolizes you. Both Self Portraits are meant to document where you are in your journey of life. When you think about this present season of life–this monumental moment in your journey of being committed to SOAR!, being on your way to become a successful photographer…How do you feel? Are you excited, afraid, alone? What colors are you wearing? If we saw your true insides, what would they look like right now? What object would symbolize this time in life? What angle would you shoot it from and why?Doing the Deeper work .

For me this exercise will help me see where I am at- my starting point. Who I am and where I am right here, right now in this season of my life. For me it is a jumping off point to moving forward into what God has for me in my passion for photography. As I began this exercise many ideas came to mind. How do I capture the essence of me? Is that even possible? Even harder still how could an object reflect the image of who I am?

So without further adieu… I offer a glimpse of me.

Photography Exercise Part 1 / Self Portrait

As I approached this assignment I kept having a sense of disconnectedness with myself, an anxiety of sorts. I asked myself where is it that I feel the most at peace, whole and inspired?

The River! That’s it; I will go to the river. The very spot that has brought me much joy, comfort and inspiration over this past year. This is a place I retreat to often. It is where I stop to stretch after a long walk with my dog, it is where we go as a family to play, swim and hunt for treasures. It is where my son and I look for fish, crawdads and anything creepy and crawly. It is where my daughter and I pretend we are having a spa day as we sit by the waterfall and cover our fingers and toes in mud. This is also a place I have brought treasured friends from out of town to see the sites of this small town. It is a special place my husband and I walk too, to sit together and talk about our day and share our hearts.

Besides being a place of restoration and play it has also become a favorite spot for photo shoots that never fail to ignite the artists within. It is where I retreat- to think, pray, hope, dream and listen to all God would say. I love the stillness of the sky against the contrast of the rushing waters. I love studying the roots of the enormous trees that stand so strong and drink from the waters edge. In this image I share with you, I see myself as a small sapling, ready for nourishment and growth.

"He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither." Psalms 1:3

After a year of many different kinds of losses, conflict, confusion, physical pain, exhaustion, disappointments and frustrations. There have been deep concerns, fears and matters of faith to contend with. I found myself time and time again on the banks of this river longing to poor out my heart to God and be filled and strengthened by His truth and living waters. I see concern and the etching of age on my face and I sense a longing for deeper understanding and maturity. I also see a determination of spirit and a women who is intimately aware of her need for God. I feel lurking danger in the waters behind me yet a peace that is still.

Photography Exercise Part 2 / Object

As you can probably already tell from the words I have expressed about my self portrait. I have been feeling a bit fragmented, broken and disconnected. Things such as a move away from friends and family three years ago, watching my parents struggle after loosing their home to a house fire, nearly loosing my dad last year, watching my mom suffer, saying so-long to my sister as she moved across the country, attending more funerals than weddings, dealing with chronic back pain and last but not least grieving the loss of my beloved DSLR Canon Camera that has been a means of such beauty, inspiration and healing in my life- To say the least... it has been a difficult season. The broken glass reflected to me all the shattered and fragmented pieces of my life over these past few years. It is scattered- just as my thoughts and heart have been. It is broken- just as my body has felt. It is fragmented-just as many relationships in my life have been. The hope lies in it's brilliant color. The shiny blue against the contrast of rocks and dieing leaves reflected something entirely different to me. The bright blue reminded me of all the blessings in my life that have come out of hardship. In this season of confusion and high emotion there has been deep bold beauty that has shown forth from the pain and struggle. That is the way life our brokenness God is allowed to shine forth his plan and blessings. It is at the point of brokenness and total surrender that we finally find hope and healing.

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you walk throough the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze." Isaiah 43:2

Depending on the season of life, I think a self portrait can change drastically over time. I look forward to capturing my metamorphosis in the months to come…This is my goal: To always be moving forward one day at a time to grow, change and mature from the inside out. May the reflection others see in me always bring Glory to the Lord. Blessings to you as you SOAR toward all that God has for you in your own life.