Monday, July 12, 2010

Oregon Trail at Blue Mountain Crossing...

Grandma Jeri, these pics are for you!

The kids loved the covered wagons...

and all the ruggedness of the wilderness.

Thanks to all the time on Grandma and Grandpa's farm....
I think we have little pioneers on our hands!

These two felt right at home, out on the trails.

It was a great time to wander and discover.

We where reminded that we are all on this journey called life together as a family...

No matter how bumpy the road or where the trail my lead!

Oregon Trail at Blue Mountain Crossing...

Grandma Jeri, these pics are for you!

The kids loved the covered wagons...

and all the ruggedness of the wilderness.

Thanks to all the time on Grandma and Grandpa's farm....
I think we have little pioneers on our hands!

These two felt right at home, out on the trails.

It was a great time to wander and discover.

We where reminded that we are all on this journey called life together as a family...

No matter how bumpy the road or where the trail my lead!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Girl Scout... Bridging Cerimony

These lovely young ladies crossed the bridge from being
Brownies to becoming Juniors!

Congratulations Ladies...

Thank you Vicki and Rosemary for taking such good care of our girls!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Less is More!

Over the past 6 months I have tried my hand at several photography exercises...I've been challenged to learn how to tell a better story through image by using several specific story telling elements.1 ) Defining Details, 2) Capturing Conflict, 3) Settings with a Purpose
and now for Photography Exercise # 4...

The basic concept of " Less is More" is how little can
you have in your frame and still tell the story?

It's learning to look for the story within the story.

It's Showing not telling.

It's seeing the story creatively.

We were asked to consider several questions...
Do you need to see things sharp, to feel the detail?

Do you need to see your subject’s face to know their emotion?

Can you zoom in even tighter to enhance the power of the moment?

I love how the " Less is More" style of shooting,
invokes the imagination to wonder what the rest of the story may be.

It's letting the image speak for itself.

Friday, July 2, 2010

More..."Less is More"

I thought I was all done with my "Less is More" Photography assignment...but.....then...

I came across some bright and shiny things that I just couldn't resist!

These beauties just screamed....detail!

They also beckoned for the imagination to run wild and free,
at what the rest of the story may be.

As I went for the, less is more approach in shooting...I was amazed at how much enjoyment came from trying my best to create a dreamy image that portrayed a story.

Not sure about you...but this really makes me want to go for a ride!