Sunday, February 8, 2009

Intentional Gratitude..

Sometimes seeing ourselves headed for disaster opens our eyes to the general absence of calamity in our lives and offers an opportunity for intentional gratitude for God’s protection.
  • When all is right in your life, do you take time to be truly thankful and appreciative?
  • Is impending disaster or unforeseen tragedy the only thing that brings you to your knees?
  • Do you take time everyday to thank God for his love, protection and plan for your life?
  • Do you have a heart of Intentional Gratitude?
These are just some of the questions whirling around in my head over the past few weeks. I am hopeful that through all this I am growing a heart of "Intentional Gratitude" more than ever before. All I know is God is God and I am not...I don't understand why bad things are allowed to happen, but I choose to trust that God knows what he's doing and his plan is much greater than mine. It was a month ago tonight that my parents home was on fire. The ruble still sits and life goes on.

It's quite amazing how life just continues in the spite of crisis. The beauty of the property and all it's wildlife lives life as usual. The eagles screech from the tree tops above as the hawks dive for their prey. Poor little peter cotton tail. The horses anticipate their daily feedings and the many Canadian geese enjoy the ponds. Tourists and looky-looz pop in to pet horses or ask to go on horse rides. There is work to be done and life just goes on.

I continue to be amazed at the strangers, friends and neighbors that have called or come buy to offer a helping hand. I want to remember the lesson I have learned as I try to love others in my own life. I want to be someone who will meet a person right where there at. I want to be willing to get on my grubbies and tangibly help, to join them in their struggle. I want to be prayerful but also willing to put love into action.

As for my dad. He was transferred from Swedish hospital to a new rehab center. The plan is for him to be there for about 8 weeks after which time the doctors will determine what is the best next move. Best case scenario, a new hip. Worst case, amputation. Infection is still a big concern and they are aggressively continuing to treat it. Mom is in Seattle helping dad get settled once again. Luke and I have been working hard on the farm and plan to head off island tomorrow. We are traveling back to Oregon in pretty big rig (Dooley truck pulling a 4 horse goose neck trailer). I would appreciate prayers for safety on the road. We will spend one night in Seattle to be with mom and visit dad. Our main travel day will be Tuesday. Luke and I can hardly wait to get back home to Makayla and daddy. It will be so good to be together as a family again, plus we could really use a break from farm life.

Best Regards- Luke and Mommy Kim

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