Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Visit to Tillamook

Just a short day trip to the Tillamook Cheese factory...does a family good!

7 & 3

and happy as could be!

Thank you Bessie!
All the calcium has made us big and strong!

1 comment:

  1. We were so happy to come across your photo essay about visiting the Tillamook Cheese Factory that we were willing to overlook the fact that you appeared to be rocking the boat. Or maybe you're stopping it from tipping over. We couldn't quite tell. Feel free to give us the whole story, and stop by www.tillamookfanclub.com when you get a chance. Your kids' looks of pure wonder at getting to sample our favorite ice cream are there displayed in all their glory.
    Jake Ten Pas
    Tillamook Cheese Fan Club
